Donate to support CMP

Sometimes as much as you want to be a part of a community, you don't always have the bandwidth to join something new. We get it! If you'd like to simply donate to support the work we do, please fill out the form below. We'll make sure you're on our mailing list. We thank you for your tax deductible donation!

CMP is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation and an IRS recognized "public charity” eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions, which are exempt from income taxation under Code Section 501(c)(3). For your records, our tax id is 46-5739978. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this generous financial contribution.

On behalf of Chicago Media Project, we offer you our deep gratitude and best wishes.


  • Mail a check for the desired donation level to:
    Chicago Media Project, 301 West Grand Ave, #170, Chicago, IL 60654

  • We'll follow up with you on membership details!